Sew ST-2000 Hz Portable Frequency Meter
- Principle : Frequency sensing transducer
- Meets
- Accuracy :
±0.5% of full scale value on 45 to 65 Hz range
±0.5% of full scale value on 0 to 100Hz range
±0.5% of full scale value on 0 to 500Hz range - Scale Length : Approx. 135mm (5-3/8”)
- Case Material : Bakelite with glass window
- Services
- Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing
- Ultrasonic Testing
- X-ray Radiography RT Testing
- Liquid Penetrant Testing
- Magnetic Particle Testing
- Borescope Inspection Services
- Cathodic Protection Services
- Positive Material Identification PMI Testing
- Tank Calibration Service
- Laser Cleaning Service
- Asset Integrity Service
- Civil NDT Service facilities
- Electrical Inspection
- Inspection & Testing
- Lifting & Heavy Equipment Inspection
- Boiler Inspection
- Pressure Vessel Inspection
- Mechanical Service
- Paint Coating Inspection
- Risk Based Inspections
- Calibration
- NDT Equipment
- Ultrasonic Flaw Detection (UT)
- Ultrasonic Thickness Gauges (UTG)
- Coating Thickness Gauges
- Magnetic Particle Equipment
- Radiography & X-ray
- Holiday Detectors
- Hardness Tester
- Liquid Penetrant
- Black Light
- Salt Contamination Meter
- Eddy Current
- Moisture Meter
- Barkhausen Noise Analyzer
- Salt Contamination Meter
- Civil NDT Equipment
- Laser Machine
- Industrial Machinery
- Security & Safety
- C&T
- Blogs