Industrial Engineering Services (IES) provide All kinds of NDT Training & Certification in Bangladesh.
IES-Industrial Engineering Services was formed in 2010 to provide NDT services,Lifting & Heavy Equipment Inspection. Asset Imtegrity Service , Cathodic Protection, Boiler,Pressure Vessel Maintainance & Inspection,Pershipment Inspection,Risk Based Inspection,Third Party Inspection, Mechanical Services & Inspections,Electrical.Inspection & Testing Services. Also Supply.NDT Instruments, Measuring Instrument and Industrial Machinery Spare parts And Safety Instroment & Spare Parts.
=> Visual Testing (VT),
=> Radiography Testing/X-Ray
=> Remote Visual Inspection (RVI),
=> Dye Penetrant Testing (DPT) ,
=> Magnetic Particle Testing (MPT),
=> Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging,
=> Coating Inspection,
=> Conventional Ultrasonic Testing (UT),
=> Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT),
=> Ultrasonic Time Of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) Inspections
=> Pressure Vessel & Lifting Inspection
=> Ultrasonic Corrosion Mapping
=> Lifting Heavy Equipment Inspection ,
=> Cathodic Protection Services,
=> Inspection Testing,
=> Civil NDT Service Facilities,
=> Tank Calibration,
=> Mechanical Service,
IES-Industrial Engineering Services
House-64 (Ground Floor), Road-6, Block-A Mirpur, Section-12, Dhaka-1216
Phone : +88 01710134359
E-mail : ahiesbd@gmail.com
Website: www.iestechbd.com